MongoDB Sort By Nested Array of Object Item
Let’s say, I have this kind of list of Mongodb documents, named hardwares
_id: ObjectId(...),
name: "Unit x",
parts: [
{ name: "CPU", model: "x" },
{ name: "Memory", size: "4" }
_id: ObjectId(...),
name: "Unit y",
parts: [
{ name: "CPU", model: "y" },
{ name: "Memory", size: "8" }
_id: ObjectId(...),
name: "Unit z",
parts: [
{ name: "CPU", model: "z" },
{ name: "Memory", size: "2" }
Recently I’ve struggle to find a way to sort those document list by nested array of object item, in this case, certain item in parts
So, If we want to sort documents above by parts named “Memory” by field size
, then here comes the mongodb aggregator.
{$unwind: "$parts"},
{$sort: {"parts.size": 1}},
{$group: {_id:"$_id", parts: {$push:"$parts"}}}
But the query above will result only one item for parts
, so to overcome this problem, first we can project new temporary field from parts
, then unwind by that temporary fields, rather than unwind by orginal field (parts
), so the query that works for me is this, pretty much.
{$project: { "_tmp_parts": "$parts", parts: 1 },
{$unwind: "$_tmp_parts"},
{$match: { "": "Memory" }},
{$sort: {"_tmp_parts.size": 1}}
Note that I am MongoDB noob, so you might not find this article useful. :).