Go for Nodejs Developer: Middlewares
I code in nodejs daily, end then comes everybody learn Go, maybe because most of decacorn start up company in my neighborhood uses Go, then here I am, learn Go as well. Not to mention that in fact we should always learn new(any)thing to survive, and Why should you learn Go ? mentions its something that fit future hardware architecture, nothing to lose to learn Go by the way.
I feel lucky I learn Expressjs (nodejs) as before learning Go, because I think Nodejs and Go, (maybe) has similar structure and behaviour in term of simple http application, or its indeed all programming language do the same thing. I don’t know.
Http server in Go:
http.HandleFunc("/", func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
log.Fatal(http.ListenAndServe(":8080", nil))
Http server in Nodejs (Expressjs):
app.get('/', function (req, res) {
See, that both maps “path” to function that expect Response and Request as param and then call “listen”. At this point I was pretty sure that I can code in Go. haha.
I extensively use Expressjs as framework to build web service, and do anything middlewares to decouple things. So once I try to build a project in Go, then I still bring that behaviour in mind. Decouple things problems also comes out when I try to code in Go, so I think I can do same thing as what I did in nodejs: Middlewares.
I found this Go library called “mux”, “A powerful URL router and dispatcher for golang.” they said. So in this case I need to make database connection shared accross the router and also decoupled.
And here it is.
func CreateDBMiddleware(driver, dsn string) mux.MiddlewareFunc {
return func (next http.Handler) http.Handler {
return http.HandlerFunc(func(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
db, err := sql.Open(driver, dsn)
if err != nil {
ctx := context.WithValue(r.Context(), "db", db)
r = r.WithContext(ctx)
next.ServeHTTP(w, r)
This is how we use it in router. Note that here we use config.DBdriver
and config.DBDSN
which is we can get it from anywhare and we don’t have to create it each time we create route.
router := *mux.NewRouter()
router.Use(CreateDBMiddleware(config.DBDriver, config.DBDSN))
And this is how we use the DB
in route.
func handler(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
db := r.Context().Value("db").(*sql.DB)
// use db for whatever